Case Studies
Protecting your workers
If you’re a business owner, it’s easy to assume that accidents won’t happen at your workplace. But the statistics say otherwise.
Employers are required by law to take steps to ensure their workplaces are safe. This includes having workers’ compensation insurance for all employees.
At a glance
SME business owner, Southern Tasmania
Workers’ compensation
Employee wages, employee medical expenses and rehabilitation
The story
Lin runs an agency with five staff, and the nature of the work means that staff sit at a computer desk for most of the day. Recently, one of her long-term staff members reported swelling and wrist pain. It was found that the staff member had developed repetitive strain injury, or RSI, due to long hours spent on the computer. The staff member had to take time off work to recover, visit a physiotherapist, and obtain medication.
Lin was able to claim the staff member’s injury and time off on Workers’ Compensation insurance. Lin also took the opportunity to audit the office’s work safety practices. As a result, she purchased new ergonomic chairs, adjusted the height of the monitors, and implemented new procedures to ensure all staff take regular breaks during the day.
Workers’ Compensation insurance pays employees who are injured at work or become sick because of their work, and is mandatory for all employers in Australia. Workers’ compensation can provide weekly benefits, medical and hospital expenses, rehabilitation services, certain personal items and a lump sum payment for permanent impairment on the basis set by the particular state or territory scheme.
Our extensive experience in the insurance industry means we can give you trusted and reliable advice regarding workers compensation insurance. Talk to us today.
*Name changed for privacy reasons
Important note: This information is provided to assist you in understanding some terms, implications and common considerations of this product. It does not constitute advice, and is not complete, so please contact us to discuss the full details. You should consider the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD), where applicable, when deciding whether to buy (or continue to hold) this insurance and also whether this insurance is appropriate for you. These documents can be obtained by contacting our office. Deductibles, exclusions and limits apply.